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Cloudy with occasional showers overnight. Low 56F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%..
Cloudy with occasional showers overnight. Low 56F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.
Organic blueberries are a wonderful adjunct to your pet’s diet and are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Remember to mash them if adding to the food bowl.
Organic blueberries are a wonderful adjunct to your pet’s diet and are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Remember to mash them if adding to the food bowl.
There is something so very satisfying about picking a ripened blackberry right off the branch and eating it. Like when we were kids. The dogs even have their lower branches and I watch how deftly they can pick a berry without touching the bramble.
The good news is that berries contain great health supporting antioxidants and many berries are safe for pets. Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and raspberries all contain anthocyanins, and some contain proanthocyanins which are also found in the stems, leaves, skins, and bark of many plants.
All of this reminded me of why antioxidants are so important. Breathing in pollutants such as smoke from cigarettes or fires, and the associated gases and particles, can be dangerous when inhaled especially the particulate matter. Large particulates typically only irritate the eyes, nose, and throat but fine particles can make their way into the deepest part of the lungs causing respiratory distress.
Young and old pets, or those with certain pre-existing conditions such as heart or lung issues will be more at risk from the effects of smoke. Birds are extremely sensitive.
In addition, the chemical residues, flame retardants and other toxins settle into the earth and water and open the door to toxins polluting water supplies and food chains. With pets this can present serious health challenges.
According to Randall Thomason, nutritional biochemist, the particles, gases, and residue, can lead to inhalant allergies, toxicity, and free radical production which is why antioxidants are so important.
Free radicals are the negative by-product created when the body produces energy or reacts to pollution, diseases, illnesses, food carcinogens, mental and emotional stresses, and even excessive sunshine. This is a stressor on the body and can lead to oxidation at the cellular level in the host as well as immune suppression.
What is a free radical? These are unstable atoms inside of us that have lost one or more electrons. They have an abundance of negative energy and go around looking for donors to complete them. Free radicals can damage cells and cause oxidative stress throughout the body. The damaged cells can lead to a host of issues including accelerated aging, vision degeneration, heart disease, inflammation, and cancer.
Thomason likes to say, “We rust from the outside in and the inside out.”
What can we do to offset this? Eat fruits and vegetables and feed safe ones to our pets. Antioxidants are phytochemicals found in these foods that are willing to give up one or more donor electrons to satisfy the free radical electron deficiency. They also contain the cofactors necessary to make this happen and helps reduce the taxation on the body.
The color in plant pigment typically contains the antioxidant components. The yellow, orange, and red colors known as carotenoids are rich in beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene. Carrots, squashes, tomatoes, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes are all examples of this.
Dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, and collard greens are powerhouses but even garlic contains potent antioxidants.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also rich in Vitamin C and other crucial nutrients, and these are in the natural form. C is already known as a potent antioxidant. Berries as mentioned are great sources.
The best way to consume these fruits and vegetables for the potent effect is fresh and raw. For pets they need to be pureed. If that is not possible then try lightly steaming the vegetables. Remember to thoroughly clean the outside of the plant before preparation.
Study after study has shown the positive effects to health from just eating good, wholesome, organic produce.
Jane Laulis is an avid pet lover. She hosts a pet talk radio show and is involved with pets from research to retail, nutrition to pet food manufacturing. She lives on the coast with her scientist husband, ocean faring dogs, indoor cats, exotic snakes and a charm of hummingbirds. She may be reached at
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